Faith or Fear… Feeding the wolves.

Hello beautiful people! I’m writing to you from my home state of Iowa. I’m just here for the humidity! Ha! Obviously I’m kidding! But after living in the high desert for the last 5 years… I’ve forgotten what this is like! I can’t tell you if I’m swimming or walking!! Despite the humidity & the bugs, this has been such a nourishing time. This has been a time of family and support and delicious food (most of which I don’t have to cook!) and community and “God nods” as one of my Aunt’s friends calls them… and I thought that was such a cute way of saying it… even if the word God leaves me feeling a bit anxious at the moment.

Do you feel as though you’re in a place of uncertainty or chaos right now? I sure do. I hope you feel safe- whichever state your life is in right now. And even if you feel as though things have never been better (my hope for you!), I’m sure you can relate to this post in some way! Some say that chaos energy is divine feminine energy. Some say that this energy comes in to shake the dust & clear out the old ways that are no longer working so those ways can crumble and fall & we can rebuild within a strong and stable structure. We need the bones to be good. And occasionally in life, we need that chaos to shake us down to the bones.

So, friends- I find myself in this place of great uncertainty; in limbo, if you will. And though that was a fun game at the roller rink on a Friday night when I was in middle school… I do not care for limbo in my life!!!! I am a big fan of getting from point A to point B as quickly and comfortably as possible! The middle drives me nuts. And yet, I believe it’s vital that we learn to weather the storms and dance in the rain and embrace this chaos energy. Not let it scare us.

How do you handle times of uncertainty?

I can get lost in possibility and choice and uncertainty. So lately, instead of thinking I have to control it all and “make” it happen or “force” things to go my way- I ask the Angels to help me. I’ve been praying for signs & I have been receiving them. I listened to this video bit from Gabby Bernstein where she talked about asking for signs from the Universe during times of change/uncertainty. My skeptical self thought- Oh, she’s only seeing (said thing) because it is in her consciousness. And then my curious self though- Why don’t you try it out and see for yourself if this works! So I did.

At first, asking for signs was so frustrating. I was looking for a new car at the time so I asked for a purple flower (that’s the first thing that popped into my head + it was winter so I knew I wouldn’t be seeing them just anywhere) to show me the sign that it was the car meant for me. I didn’t see any purple flowers:( I bought the car anyways. I loved it. I was diagnosed with cancer 3 months later… maybe I should have waited & not forced it! It wasn’t the end of the world, obviously, but maybe the timing was a little off. It was a fun experiment though & I wanted to see if it ever did work, so I kept practicing… and it got easier, and more obvious. So I still trust my guts & use my brain… but I also ask for signs and expect to see them. And I do.

Asking for signs make it easier.

When we’re making decisions in life or going through change/ transition- it’s easy to worry. Asking for signs make it easier. And still I wonder why I have so much fear. I mean, if I’m a person who believes in a greater power and has faith that there’s guidance “out there” then why do I live in so much fear? Fear that there won’t be enough, fear that I’ll make the ‘wrong’ choice, fear that I’m not doing it ‘right’, fear that I’m not being ‘good’ enough, fear that the bottom will drop out, fear that something terrible will happen and I won’t be able to cope. So this message popped into my consciousness & I was reminded (once again) that I have a choice.

So, my friends, in this crazy and uncertain time in the world I beg you to try feeding the light/faith over the darkness/fear. I believe we’re all living in a little extra chaos right now. The world seems crazier than ever. And, though there are varying degrees of this- I think it’s safe to say that most of us are feeling it. Chaos can be really good. It shakes things up. And Lawd knows that we need things to be shaken up in a radical way. The old ways are no longer working, and the new way is dawning… and here we sit- in the chaos, in the in-between. Oh, the uncomfortable in-between. Ah, discomfort. ugh. Or…

Let the unknown be exciting! Beautiful things are ahead!

So maybe you ask for signs, maybe you have a prayer or ritual that helps, maybe you do a certain dance or meditation or whatever helps you to feel more aligned with your faith-whatever it is; do that. If we claim to be people of faith (and I have yet to meet a person who full on claims to be a person of fear), then let us Trust to whatever tree or god or goddess we pray to that things are unfolding for the highest and greatest good for all. So even if it’s not exactly what we WANT it to be, may we trust that we are being safely held, remember that we are beloved children, and that we live in an abundant Universe. May we follow the signs and trust in our guts and move forward with courage. Spend some time outside. Feel your feet on the Earth and breathe deeply into your beautiful lungs. Even if it’s one small change. Start there. Trust. Come on, I’ve got your hand. Let’s walk together.

Here are a few tunes (tho perhaps not totally congruent with my point here) to jam to!!