The Unexpected Things.

close up photo of sunflower
Photo by Renda Eko Riyadi on

Our yard is full of wild things. Mostly invasive weeds but I think some of them are pretty. And some of them- it’s just far too much to try and control. So, the last few weeks, I’ve walked past this green thing growing- maybe a weed? But it was so beautiful! So, as with all the other wild things- I just let it grow! And today- today I walked past it and realized it’s a SUNFLOWER!!! OMG! Can you tell how excited I am/was when I discovered this? I’ve tried growing sunflowers the whole time we’ve lived here- 6 years now or something. But they don’t grow. Or, if one does, it swiftly gets eaten by the deer.

The other really cool part of this is that when I saw it- I knew it was a metaphor. A few years ago, we planted these 3 trees. I got them for my birthday. I tended them, filled them with compost and prayers and my dad helped tie support around them so the deer wouldn’t ruin them! And I watered them and tended them. Until I left to visit family. No one watered them. They died. But, as soon as I got back- I started watering them. I apologized to them for neglecting them and I kept watering them! This year- I’ve watered them daily. They’re not coming back to life.

Stop Watering the Dead Things!!!

When it’s time to let a thing go, let it go. Don’t hold on to the things that are rotting away. It’s sad. It’s hard. It’s heart-breaking that a thing (relationship, living space, plant, dream, etc.) didn’t work out but constantly trying to give it mouth-to-mouth takes so much energy. And the false hope- that you can resurrect things, keeps us stuck in patterns that aren’t helpful.

I had been so focused on watering these trees; I ignored this beautiful sunflower, and it grew all on its own. I don’t even know how it got planted there, but it was meant to be, and it found a way. So, when I saw it- I thought- ah, look at you!! Just doing your thing! You’re such a miracle!

Things don’t always flourish where you plant them, no matter how much we nurture them. In fact, sometimes we plant things in odd places, and we want them to grow there for our own satisfaction. Perhaps I’m still talking about plants, perhaps it also applies to people/relationships, living situations, stories we’ve held onto, or beliefs we’ve picked up along the way. Either way- don’t force it. Don’t fight against nature. Recognize what is. Accept it. Move along. It’s hard and sad and scary at times, but it also saves a lot of suffering. And, instead of focusing your attention on things that are NOT working, look around… you may find some unexpected magic right around the corner! Shift your perspective, open your eyes. Let yourself be surprised.