Winter Solstice & Friendship Bracelets

The shortest day of the year. Deep in the heart of the darkest nights- all is hushed, hibernating, healing. We go deep within. We light the candle. Light is returning.

Sometimes our light is shining bright- fully illuminated. Sometimes it’s a small flicker. Sometimes we share our light with others, sometimes we need others to share their light with us. It’s the give and take, the push and pull, the inhale and exhale. In a perfect world, these opposite actions are done in equal ways. More of a harmonious flow than a balancing act.

Today marks the shortest day of the year. Have you been feeling it? I’ve gone so deep within, it’s hard to join the rest of you! And there’s some potent healing happening, from deep within. I really do believe this. I believe in hope. I believe lighter days are coming (as this solstice promises!)

I’d been feeling so grumpy and overwhelmed lately. Everything feels so tender and close to the surface. There’s been so much loss and grief over the last (few) year(s). And then, this morning my youngest suggested we make friendship bracelets for a Solstice Celebration we’re attending. How sweet, right? She wanted to take a gift to share. It came from deep in her heart, not a sense of obligation. She didn’t overthink it. So we got out the yarn and started braiding! This fed something deep in my little girl heart! I felt joyful. One simple act- when you’re open to it- can shift everything! So now, bracelets are made and cookies too. The house is a mess, dishes need done, cards addressed, etc., etc., etc. And I honestly don’t care because… Presence. Joy. Quality time. Nourishment.

How Deeply are you Nourishing yourself?

These days ask us to go deep within. To rise and sleep with the sun- yep, more sleep! More rest, quiet downtime, presence. Yet often, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season feels quite opposite! So if you’ve been rushing and stressing and over-doing, I invite you to take a breath- maybe two. How do we show up for the people we love (and our own selves) when we’re exhausted and overwhelmed? Sure, we’re so used to it – capable now- of wearing the smile, going all the places, doing all the things, baking all the cookies, making it all magical! And that feels like a victory. But have you ever gotten an award?!!! I believe now that we’re being called to move differently. I believe we’re being called to start on the inside so our joy radiates out, as opposed to sprucing up the outside to make it through the season, while fading away on the inside.

Whether you feel full of love and excitement for the holiday season, deeply nourished, and ready for some fun or you feel tired and worn out and so filled with grief- I remind you that we’re in charge of our experiences. That sounds like just another thing- right?! It’s not meant to. It’s meant to offer a brief moment of reprieve. So go on and take it. Then take another. No need to judge where you’re at, love. Wherever you are is a great place to start. To move forward with more ease. So here are a few of my favorite ways to CELEBRATE!

  • Deep Breaths– deep into your belly. Inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4 counts & repeat. This is often called box breathing. There are a million breath exercises you can do. If this one doesn’t speak to you… just do your own thing… just pay attention to your breath
  • Yoga. You know I’m a big fan of linking breath with movement to get out of our heads and into our hearts. Attend a class if you’re able! Or, there are an abundance of high quality free yoga videos on YouTube. Here’s one of my favorites- short and sweet!
  • Go for a walk outside! I know it’s cold and gross… but get out there and breathe some fresh air!
  • Take a hot salt bath. Epsom salts are great for soothing sore muscles and clearing energy!
  • Light some candles, cozy up with a favorite book or movie, or call a good friend.
  • Do a short grounding meditation. This one is my fave!
  • Make a hearty meal. Use warm spices, like cardamom, cinnamon, tumeric, or ginger.
  • Grab some paper and pen and make a gratitude list. The trick here is to FEEL into the gratitude for the things you write down. So go on and think of them, write them down, and spend the extra few minutes to really FEEL grateful.
  • Call a friend or family member you’ve been missing. Be present on that call!
  • Make a fire. Write down what you’re ready to let go of, and then offer those pieces of paper (those intentions) to the fire.
  • Read a book. This is the one I just finished- it was soul good!

These are just a few ideas, sweets. Your heart knows the way. Maybe you even just sit with the word NOURISHMENT and ask it what it means to you?! We all have our own unique way of doing the things- so go on and make it yours! Wherever the holiday takes you, whomever your with, I invite you to take your presence along with you. I invite you to take deep joy and celebration, and to trust in the way things work out vs. trying to control them or make them ‘perfect’.

From deep in my heart, I send richest blessings and soul much love to you all.

Happy Holidays, friends and thanks for being here! xo

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